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Geometria Lab

8 years of poly | motion

  • Событие
In line with our commitment to create a safer space, poly|motion will host for the fourth time a FLINTA FOCUSED AREA. We understand that FLINTA communities may have specific needs and for this reason weare trying out a designated space. The FLINTA FOCUSED SPACE will be located on the ground floor of the club behind the Lobby. We’ve planned this to empower FLINTA to organise themselves according to their needs. We can’t install any physical barriers, but we do support the idea of self-empowerment. We stand for self-determination and we won’t ask anyone’s identity. We kindly ask for your help to actively contribute to a safer space and to respect the FLINTA FOCUSED AREA.

In case you experience or witness behaviors that make you feel uncomfortable, or if you feel something is going wrong, you can always reach out to the poly|motion crew and to the awareness team. You will recognize the awareness team from the glowing neck holders. Consent, respect and pleasure are shared concepts.

Source: RA