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Geometria Lab

DROP Open-Air invites Hunee (DAY PARTY)

  • Событие
Picture this: the sun is shining, smiles are wide, outfits are funky, and upbeat disco tunes are bumping. You're dancing in an ancient village. Your drink tastes fresh and tropical, and drag queens are swirling among confetti and groovy decorations.

That's what the Barcelona crowd has come to expect from our open airs, and this one will be no different! Hunee, one of the favourites of the dance music scene, will be returning to DROP at La Terrraza. After an iconic B2B last year with Antal, we can't wait to have him back with us.

Joining him are Whoopee, a rising House & Disco collective run by Erika and Mauricio, and represented by Anya and Black Pomade. To close off the lineup, two very dear DROP residents, Vince Void and Diesco will be coming as well. 

Whoopee DJs (Anya (FR) B2B Black Pomade)
Vince Void B2B Diesco

Avinguda Francesc Ferrer i Guardia, 13, 08038